I shifted my body to face the other direction of the bed, while my eyes are half-opened. As I rested back my head on my pillow, I thought I saw a figure of a woman across my bed leaning on the wall. I couldn’t perceive who it was, not until I notice how exactly the same, she is on that one dream I had before. I blinked one more time and reached out for my table lamp and tried to see if she is still there, but found myself sitting now on my room alone.
Another dream about Ms. Rianne…
I shook my head a little and lean back against my bed. I keep staring at the space where I saw her until my mind have finally decided to let me fall back to sleep again.
I pulled a chair inside Honor Café that is located on the far end outside of the school, and settled my coffee on the table. I grab out my Art Journal and starts to do a sketch without an actual picture of what I would draw. I plugged my earphones and started to listen with the AI version of Fetish with Ariana Grande’s voice—it was the best AI cover I have listened to, and actually a little scary of how an AI can do this. Minutes have passed, and I have been too focused on just following the flow of my hand without a proper aim, my eyes grow wider and I pulled my right earphone off when I realize what I have made. I took a deep breath, and saw Miss Rianne’s portrait. Her hair was loosen-up, while her eyes intensely staring back at me.
Just like the dream…
I started to put my pencils back to my case pouch when a familiar scent entered my senses. I turned my head a little upward quickly, causing a neck crepitus. I froze for a second, shutting both my eyes feeling the little pain I got from that. I reached for it to try and sooth it but her left hand where already at my nape while her right hand placed her almost empty cup on the table and then on my cheeks, steadying me up as she tries to slowly ease it.
As I felt her palms and fingers against my skin, it delivered goosebumps and chills in my body. My hand is in her wrists and her staring at me with her cruel blue eyes before she spoke, worsens it.
“Take it easy, you might break your neck” she asserted while she tries to slightly massage my nape.
“Sorry, Ms. Rianne, I am fine. It was just like cracking your neck to stretch” I smiled nervously, breaking our gaze and trying to hide my getting red face.
I let go of her hand as she did and carry over, putting my things back to my bag, not noticing that my sketch is widely open all this time. I immediately closed it and pressed my lips once again, indicating the embarrassment I just had.
“Sorry…” I said weakly when I have finished cleaning up my stuff and stood up to face her.
“Hmm? You’re apologizing for what exactly, Hestia” she asked with a smirk on her face.
I felt another wave of goosebumps in the entirety of my body, I would try to conceal the fact that she saw the sketch but I know it will be futile. My mind is racing on how to explain to her what she saw,
She would probably think I am a creep for sketching her! Stupid!
“Uhm, for the…” I swayed my head a little to find the right words to evade the sudden confrontation. Until suddenly, she held my hand pressing it.
“Your hands are cold, don’t overthink too much and try to calm down your nerves.” she smiled at me. “Coffee isn’t really good for you” she added.
God, the effect of this woman
“Come, let’s go and get you to class” she said and I just nodded, mesmerized by her. I took my bag, and tried to not gush over the fact that she is not letting go of my hand through walking away the café.
As the trees descended behind as we walk towards the school, I took the chance to ask her bravely about the sketch.
“I know you saw the drawing, and—I just want to ask if you find me weird now.” I finally said it. I usually don’t let anyone get inside of my walls, for I know they will just see me differently when they found out how I am. It’s best to know early so I can adjust myself on distancing myself away.
“That’s fine, I actually were in one of the tables, and saw you were focused on your sketch, so I didn’t bother you. Do you mind telling me the inspiration of doing so?” she asked without giving me a look, but our hands are still together as we take our steps.
She is still holding my hands, I can’t take this!
“You’d probably think I am odd, but I saw you in my dream. In my room while I shifted my position. I was half awake at that time, and found you across my bed, leaning on the wall, just there staring at me.” I explained, surprised that I didn’t stutter. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be out of line. After the University Day, I felt weird about my surroundings. It feels like someone keeps looking at me, watching me from a distance. On the way home, I totally thought someone was following me, just to find out they are not taking the same route after the stop light. I must be overthinking, that’s why my mind is creating images causing me to have those kinds of dreams.”
She laughed and held my hand tightly. “I hear you. Don’t worry, no one will hurt you, your safe. But yes, the part where you saw me in your room is a little odd, but not you. How would I be in your room when I haven’t been there?” she chuckled once more. “You must be thinking too much. How about this, do you want to go the Winter Festival instead? It’s two weeks from now, but I would want to know your answer in advance” she asked.
“W-with you?” I asked shocked by her question, that made me grip her hand.
“Yes, with me” she smiled, while her eyes are full of amusement.
“Yeah! I mean, Yes Miss Rianne, I would be glad to go to the festival with you” I controlled my giggle and start holding her hand tightly because of excitement.
“Great, I shall pick you up on your home then?” she asked.
I wasn’t able to answer her quickly as I was contemplating if I would want her to get through all the trouble just to fetch me for the festival. But I also want her to know where I live—strangely.
“Uhm, I have my car though. But sure, you can get me on my apartment, and would love to show you some of my sketches and paintings. It was a bit embarrassing what you have seen, a while ago.” I said trying to make it up to her.
“Sure, whatever you would like to do. Let’s do it” she smiled at me placidly.
When the University is already visible on the distance, she pressed my hand once more and let go. “You should go first, Ill grab some things in my car.” she ordered.
“Okay, see you around Miss Rianne” I said while smiling at her mischievously.
I took my steps a little fast, and saw Natasha walking towards the same direction with me pacing.
“Where have you been? You look happy” she asked while walking with me.
“Good morning to you too. Nothing, I just grab a coffee in Honor Café and was walking back here” I said while glancing once more where I have left Ms. Rianne.
“Coffee… hmm…” she retorted while her expression is mocking me. “Really? Cause I’m pretty sure I have seen you with Ms. Rianne walking down here, while hold—” I cut her off by putting my hand on her mouth.
“Hey! What the hell? Can you just keep your voice down and not broadcast it.” I said while my eyebrows are knitting and smiling.
“Oh my god, Hessie, what’s happening? Are you two, a thing now?” she said curiously, raising her one eyebrow.
“No! No, not like that. I was—we saw each other in the café and went down here together.” I said defensively.
“While holding hands?” she whispered sarcastically and laughed.
“Shut up.” I said smiling back at her.
I didn’t actually put much thought about us holding hands on the way here. I just—it feels like it was just that natural, it feels familiar. Natasha grabbed me and positioned herself at my back, putting her hands on my shoulder and starts pushing me to walk.
“Let’s go Ms. In denial, classes first before interrogation, this time I won’t let this topic go. You need to tell me everything!” she said with her playful voice.
We only have our arts and literature every Wednesday and Thursday. As it is Monday, I am not able to meet Ms. Rianne on our last subject. As Mr. Falkner—our math teacher—was about to finish, Natasha nudged me on my arm signaling me to get closer. I move towards her and asked.
“Yeah, something wrong?” I whispered.
“I have a little bad news for you. Ms. Rianne won’t be teaching Arts and Literature anymore, instead she will be one of the stakeholders of the University” she whispered back.
“Oh…” my expression grimed. This means she won’t be needing to go here at school. Stakeholders doesn’t teach at school. They only support the university and go on with their lives.
“Sorry about the bad shot” her face is full of concern as she placed her hand on top of mine, giving me a little comfort.
“No, it’s okay. I… I don’t really mind” I forced a smile and lied. The bell rang as the clock strikes at 4, bringing me back to the reality before my mind gets sucked about the news. We stood up and grabbed our bags preparing to leave the room.
“You are really into her, aren’t you. Your expression says it all, Hessie.” she said while I walked on the stairs, seriously.
“Where’d you got that? I was just admiring her Nat, nothing serious” I gave her another feeble smile trying to look okay, but it didn’t work.
“You don’t say…” she retorted back, not believing me. She just knows me well, after all she is my childhood bestfriend.
Thankfully, Natasha had her own car, and no need to ride with me so we went home on our separate ways. I can spend my time having my space while I think about the news. As I drive, I can’t help but be sad about it. She got it from Professor Sebastian, informing them today was Ms. Rianne’s last day as our substitute teacher. Maybe that’s reason why she held my hand walking down from the café. That is why she told me to go first inside the campus, as she will be getting her stuff. That is why she asked me if I can go with her on the festival and wanted my answer immediately as we won’t be seeing each other anymore after this day.
I mean, we will be seeing each other on Winter Festival, but for how long? Just one night to be exact and after that, she won’t be around in the school grounds anymore.
As I enter the garage of my apartment, I sighed heavily and grabbed my back, headed straightly to my room. Inside, I placed my bag on my couch and immediately took off my clothes, placed it on the basket and took a quick shower.
Shortly, I dried my hair off, took my pjs and went to my bed, tired. I was staring at the ceiling for seconds when I felt my eyelids heavier. My eyes were about to close, when my phone buzzed once. My mind said “read it”, but me being sleepy won.