After a week, my relationship with Ms. Rianne has truly changed and reached a new height. She has been very attentive to me ever since the day we started exchanging messages to each other. The interval between her responses has also shrunk to three to five minutes compared to the older interval which is eight to ten minutes. I'm quite happy by that slight difference.
The day of Winter Festival has finally arrived, and I couldn’t wait to see Ms. Rianne! It’s the 2nd day of December, and the winds has gone colder than ever. I am a bit lazy since it is Saturday, but I had to do a final clean-up on my apartment—although I always clean everyday— as Ms. Rianne will come over to see my paintings. I am blushing over the thought.
I hurried and prepared my art room, took some excess canvas and watercolor pads that was used on experimentation for my paintings. Grabbed the rags in one of my cabinets, to clean my brushes and organized my pens. Finally, I aligned properly my new sketches in my walls, including her sketch, on the center. It’s already about time for her to get here, so I went to my living room and lined up the pillows properly and swept the floors for the last touch. Just right after I have settled the garbage, the doorbell rang, and I immediately went to the door.
When I opened, she was there standing so gorgeously, wearing all white , topped with a grayish long coat. Her hair still on the loose looking so magnificent. I was literally mesmerized seeing her now in front of me after 2 weeks.
“Ms. Rianne!” I said while I took a step and hugged her—before realizing that I did. I tried to immediately back away from the hug but unexpectedly, she hugged me back making my cheeks to turn red when I felt it.
This woman—why is she like this, I might fall harder than I already did
“Is this your way of telling me how you miss—” she tried to finish her sentence but got cut by me, as I grab her hand abruptly going inside— I felt that every part of my body will get more embarrassed if she was able to complete it.
“Uhm this way Ms. Rianne!” I lead her into my living room and told her to put her bag in the sofa. I then asked her to hang her coat on the stand and I took a deep breath when she took it off, revealing her toned arms— she was only wearing a round neck vest below that coat. I pressed my lips together and look away.
“Your apartment is not bad. It looks spacious for you. Are you living alone?” she asked as she faces me. I was taken aback by her question, and paused for a moment before answering.
"Oh, yes. I live here alone. I like my own space without someone interfering with my things" I said with a weak smile, trying to hide other aspect of information.
“Well, you do look like you can take care of yourself” she said assuringly, causing me to blush again, and right after that, it come to me like a bullet that I haven’t take a bath.
I forgot to take a bath after cleaning! This is humiliating, I even hugged her on the door. You damn moron!
“Shit, I am so sorry Ms. Rianne…” I said trying to apologize of how demeaning it is that I haven't properly prepared myself “I haven’t taken a bath before you arrived… I totally forgot as I was preoccupied with cl—”
“It’s alright, I don’t mind at all” she smiled, cutting me off before I was able to complete my sentence. “Although, do avoid using curse words from now on” she added, intimidatingly while her eyes narrowed. I felt cold rush of flushes at the back of my spine running up at the back of my head when she said that using that tone of voice.
Her duality is insane… making me feel different emotions
“Oh, I-I’m sorry about that, I will try to avoid uttering unnecessary phrases like curse words” I said feeling a little shocked by guilt.
I have a different status as well. I should be careful indeed. It maybe used against me.
“Good girl. Weren’t you planning to take a bath?” this time, she said this in her normal cold yet gentle voice.
“I am about now... Please feel at home Ms. Rianne.” I said while my body is trying to act calm. “My art room is on that door, please do not hesitate to check it as well if you get a little bored here in the living room” I added before leaving her.
Did she just say ‘good girl’? God, I am blushing too hard, my body is about to throw hands.
I went to wash myself as thorough as I can, and dressed up. I was a bit having second thoughts about the clothes I should wear, and thankfully the fight between me and myself over clothes ended. As I finish, I went to the living room, to check if Ms. Rianne was there, but there was no one, except by the fact that some pillows are a bit messy and my single chair that is a little sideway.
I am pretty sure I have left them on their proper position and angle…
I dismissed this thought and made sense about it instead that they might have accidentally got budged by her or the wind. Shortly, I proceeded to my Art Room, and there she is, checking my painting and arts out.
“Hi, sorry it took me a bit longer than I anticipated. How do you think about my poor arts, Ms. Rianne?” I asked while I walk towards her and feeling a little ashamed of my mediocre works.
“You shouldn’t tell that to your pieces. Your works are great. It’s like they are portraying the depths of your soul” she stated those phrases like she can see right through me. “They are astonishing, like you. I like them” she continued and smile with full of gentleness on it.
My heart was beating fast when I saw it. This is the first time she smiled at me genuinely for so long. The coldness in her has finally melted like a steam, as it had reached its thirty-two degrees, emerging her true form. She looks even more breathtaking.
I’ve seen those smile before…
“Thank you, Ms. Rianne, it means a lot. Especially they came from you” I said while I look at her in the eyes without stuttering or being taken aback. They delineate instead with assuring gazes towards me.
I have felt those gentle gazes ages ago, like they were part of the depths of my subconsciousness.
“Ms. Rianne, have we met... before?” I said just out of nowhere, and believe me I was also surprised with me asking her that. But I can’t take it back anymore.
“Do I remind you of someone you know from the past, Hestia?” she tilted her head and just like that, her smile changed in a cynical way swiftly.
“Oh, no. I am sorry Ms. Rianne. I must have been mistaken.” I said retracting my sentences. I wanted to tell her how familiar she is to me sometimes, but I just can’t find the courage on doing so, I just don’t want her to see me weird.
“Don’t overanalyze every situation, you’re wasting your energy on things that doesn’t have to be given attention with” she said, assuring me once more, while she places her hand on my cheek. “Come, the Festival is about to begin” she added as we head out.
You don’t have to held me like that, my walls are crumbling faster for you than I expected.
As we went down towards her car, she opened the door for me, making me feel butterflies. We drove for about ten minutes to the Winter Festival and finally touched the floor of the venue. My eyes were glinting with excitement. We went around the stands and sight-seeing the different stalls that have set-up for the event.
“Would you like to eat something?” Ms. Rianne whispered in my ears a few minutes that has passed as we walk. The indistinct conversations around us grew a little louder, not to mention the different music in each store stand.
“Oh, I am not hungry at the moment. Are you perhaps starving?” I responded.
“No, my preferences are not around the stalls and the festival itself” she answered me while she looked at me sharply, like she is implying something else.
I gulped and turned my head away as I grabbed her hand and went towards other stalls. We spent a little more of our time around the festival before deciding to go home. We checked the remaining booths and went to try some games like shooting balloons to get prices like plushie or teddy bears. Ms. Rianne won me a medium size penguin stuffed toy. I swear I jumped in joy when she did, while trying to suppress my giggle for it was particularly given by her.
Just fifteen minutes past 10, she pulled off on the garage of my apartment. She insisted to walk me inside but I refused it, since its already a little late for her. The streets are not safe at this hour.
“It’s okay, Ms. Rianne. I can take care of myself on the way to my apartment. It’s you that should be going home now since its already late” I assured her. Before going off from her car, I had finally taken the courage to ask a question that has been bugging me and wanted to clarify—to know how she thinks about me, I want to know so bad. She doesn’t really hold conversations to other students, except me. She is passive to everyone else in the school, except me. I want to know how she really see me...
“Before I go, Ms. Rianne. Can I ask you something?” I spoke a little hesitant.
“Hmm? Is there something bothering you?” she asked concerned, clueless of what I am about to ask. Nevertheless, I still decided to ask her.
“May I ask how do you see me Ms. Rianne? For instance, how do you feel about me?” I said, for moment I waited for her response in silence. It must be dumb to ask her this.
Why are you so impulsive Hestia… Now you ruined it.
“Forgive me, that was out of line. I’ll t—” I said immediately while unbuckling the seatbelt, and tried to go out of the car, but she stopped me by grabbing my hand, before I could unlock the door, staring at me for a moment, her blue cold eyes seem to be in flames
“Perhaps this would show you, how I feel about you” she grabbed my chin carefully using her index finger, slowly guiding my head to meet hers. From there, I felt her lips on mine.
She continuously kissed me softly and slipped her tongue moving passionately, making my body hotter even though the temperature in her car is low. After a few seconds, she let go, catching my breath while touching our foreheads. I couldn’t believe anything at all, I am just there feeling exhilarated.
“Miss—” I couldn’t finish the sentence properly, as I looked her in the eyes.
“Shh. You don’t have to say anything” she smiled. She cupped my face with her hand and caressed my cheeks using her thumb “Your eyes changes color every time you look at me, sweet” she added and kissed me again before letting me go.
“You should go now, and rest. I’ll pick you up tomorrow” she stated while she clicked the button on unlocking the door where I am sitting.
“Tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow, Ms. Rianne?” I asked politely and curiously while looking at her.
“I will bring you in my place. You don't have classes for 4 days, right? Spend time with me.” she said with a pleased smile.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Ms. Rianne” I said before going out of her car. I waved once more and she flicker the lights three times. I went directly to my apartment and quickly changed my clothes. I rested my body in my bed, staring at the ceiling while my mind replays what happened with me and Ms. Rianne
She kissed me…
I pull pillow in my face as I tried to contain my bursting romantic feelings. I can’t believe this. She does feel the same way about me. She likes me. I can still feel the warmth of her lips, her gentle gazes and her pleased smiled. My heart is pounding so fast, my soul is contented, hugging the stuffed toy Ms. Rianne won for me before falling asleep.
I hope this happiness lasts, I hope she stays. I think I just fell in love with Ms. Rianne. This time I am sure, it is.