“A world so separated from each other they might as well be foreign from one other. We use their naivety, we squeeze everything from them.”
From Utopian King’s notes
The world has been nearly degraded. Every tower has fallen; only the King's Towers stand on top of the ruins. Brown paints the scenery of trees that had burnt from the Native War of Earth. Algae from the oceans and lakes is the only way we receive oxygen. The Earth’s blue glow was replaced by the red-orange glow of Utopia’s pollution
My name is Brianna, short, brown hair with mutant blue eyes. Every mutant has blue eyes to show the world of their kind. Once I started to feel for others in a different way, this started at 14. It was like my emotions were replaced by the people around me. A girl who sat next to me would give me the feeling of uncontrollable need to breed. It was only weak at first. When a homo-sapiens walked past me I would feel hate for my own blue eyes, a sign I was different from them. The sign I was a mutant, and the feeling of hate for homo-mutate. Now 2 years later and my mutant ability has grown. I feel only others' emotions all the time, and cannot feel my own.
The day is August 12, 1881. I was being pursued by the cops who felt excited and rageful. “Hey, mutant scumbag. You can not run from the cops for long.” I had no clue what to do. So I ran into a back alley behind a ruin tower, “Anyone up for a young mutant girl. One mutant, five cops. A gift from the King himself.” I can feel them watching me as they get closer. The odd feeling of death approaches. There was no reason for this to approach, was I about to die? Nothing happened, did they lose me? No that can not be. I turned to face what I thought was going to be the cops.
“Come on guys, was that all you got? The king does not pay you guys to die like that.” A Chemist Mutant stands in the dust of the cops. “Do you happen to be castaway? I’m looking for a mutant born after the Native war, so around 16 and 17.” I stood there frozen. He can kill me if I say the wrong thing. “Are you able to talk?”
“Sorry, Yes I’m a castaway from after the war.” He looks at me with joy and partial fulfillment. “Why must you feel fulfilled? You cannot have found the one you are looking for? There is a whole underground mutant hideout.”
“An empath!” He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. “You have the blue King’s mark yet the ability is not one he made. You are born after the way, and must not have the parasites. That is how I know you're the one I am looking for.” He lets go of my hands and stands within a few feet from me.
“You don't make any sense now,” I backed up to the wall at the end of the alley. “Do you mean the King of Utopia? And what do you mean I must have no parasites? That is blasphemy.”
“How would you like to meet your mom for the first time?” He backs off and turns the dust of the cops into some small blue crystal. “First however, I need more Organic matter. There's not a lot here anymore after the war you know.” He shows me the blue crystal that gives off some form of feeling. Almost like the crystal is alive. “This Crystal is called the aether. We Chemist Mutants have the ability to unlock its true potential and teleport through time and space itself. Sometimes the future leaks from it as well. The old Royal Scientists were able to bring life to all mutants thanks to that.”
To teleport? This guy comes from nowhere and thinks I would just trust him. The thoughts of the crystal slowly leak into my mind. A voice of a female human leaks from the feels of the aether, “Come to me my love, I do not have a lot of time to save you from the path of a monster. However, maybe I can show you how to make your own path within it.”
“So? What's the plan? Most of the trees are gone due to the fires. Not only that but we are mutants, and do not have rights to freely roam around like we own the place.”