I must have been sitting there longer than I realized because Nathan came back looking for me. “Everything okay?”
“What?” I looked up and saw the worry on his face. “Oh yeah, everything is good.”
“You sure? It’s been over ten minutes that you sat here just looking at your phone. So I’m going to ask you again. Is everything okay?”
“Um, yeah. There is a voicemail that was left from that number and I was debating if I wanted to listen to it or just delete it.”
“What has you so spooked about it?”
“Nice try but I’m not buying it. If it was just any ordinary call and message you would have listened already. So let’s try that one more time.”
“When I first left Eli I use to get these calls and weird messages. I just ignored him. And they just kept coming until he was arrested.”
“And you think it may be him somehow?”
“I don’t know. I mean I don’t think so. As long as he’s in jail, no I don’t think its him.”
“Any other ideas who?”
“One of his guys? Ian, Carlos, or even Marco. It could still be nothing.”
“Or it could be something and you’re scared.”
“Yeah, it just took me back to that time and I think I panicked.”
“Baby, you should have told me. I wouldn’t have walked away yet. You’re never going to be alone. You want to listen to it? I’m here we’ll listen to it together. You don’t want to? Then erase it and we’ll move on and not worry till we have something to worry about.”
I think about it for a moment before answering him. “I’m not ready to hear it but I don’t want to delete it yet.”
“Okay, we’ll wait. While I’m sure it’s nothing I also know this is going to eat you alive until you decide what to do.”
“I know.” I looked down at my phone he’s right. I’m going to keep looking at the message icon until I go crazy. “I’m going to leave my phone in here while we eat. Then I’ll revisit the idea.”
“I think that’s a good idea.” We went into the other room and enjoyed some sub sandwiches and chips. It was a good change from our usual.
Nathans phone rang and he had to take it. So I waited till he was done with the call to figure out what I wanted to do. “Hey, baby, I’m sorry but I have to go. That was my mom. My sister is coming back from her trip to New York early so I said I’d pick her up.”
“Okay no worries.”
“You’ll be okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Okay. Don’t do anything until I can be there with you.”
“Promise me. I don’t want you to have to handle it alone.”
“Handle what?” Nick chimed in when he heard the end of the conversation.
“She received a call from an unknown number and they seemed to have left a message. She doesn’t know what was in the message yet.”
“Another one?”
“What is he talking about Kris? What other one?”
“She got one the other day, but they didn’t leave a message that time.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think anything of it then forgot all about it.”
“We’ll get to the bottom of this. Just wait for me.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not taking that chance. You about have a panic attack. I will not leave you to handle it alone.”
“Just go get your sister. I don’t want you to be late and have her waiting because of me.”
He raked his hand through his hair. I could tell he was debating what to do. He was a guy was in control of everything. He looked lost because he finally came across something who couldn’t control. “Since I know how stubborn you are I know you aren’t going to listen. Just promise me one thing. Call me if you need me and I will come back here as soon as I drop her off at home.”
“Okay, I promise.”
“Thank you.” He gave me a deep passionate kiss before he left.
“So, when were you planning on telling me about the phone call?”
“I don’t want to worry you.”
“I’m always going to worry no matter what. I just don’t want you going through that alone again.”
“I won’t. I have Nathan and if it was Eli or one of his guys I’d tell you this time. I don’t think I could handle that a second time on my own.”
“You didn’t handle it the first time. You locked yourself in your room and wouldn’t leave. You shut your phone off and ignored all calls. Hell you wouldn’t even answer the door. That’s the reason why we agreed I needed a key.”
“I remember Nick. That won’t happen again. I can’t live like that again.”
“Okay, good. Well, I’m sorry but I have to head out. I have some paperwork to catch on at the gym and a couple of appointments.”
“Okay, you go do what you have to. I’m good. You can’t put your life on hold for me again. Go, I’m going to get some work done.”
“Alright baby girl. Talk to you later. Call if you need me.”
“I promise now go.”
After Nick left I tried to work but I couldn’t concentrate. All I could think about was the damn message. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone contemplating what to do. I must have zoned out because when my phone rang I jumped. I looked and saw it was Nathan.
“Hey, baby, how are you?”
“I’m fine. You know you don’t have to call and check up on me.”
“I just wanted to check in and let you know that Annabelle wants to stop and eat on the way home so I’ll be longer than expected. But if you need me I can tell her I can’t.”
“No, I’m good. Go spend some time with your sister. I think that’s what she’s trying to do. I”m sure she missed you.”
“Did you want me to come over after I drop her off?”
“I’ll never not want to be around you but I also know you have work tomorrow. Don’t feel like you have to because you’re worried.”
“Well if you need me for any reason I’ll come over and I’ll bring clothes to change into for work tomorrow.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”
This was driving me absolutely crazy. I needed to know what was on that message. I hit play and listened. Except it was nearly three minutes of complete silence. That was strange. If it was a wrong number they wouldn’t have stayed on the line that long.
Knowing I wasn’t going to get anything out of the message I just deleted it.
I also needed to put Nathan and Nick out of their misery as I knew it was bothering them as well.
Kristina: It was just spam. So I deleted it as there’s nothing to worry about.
I sent the same text to both Nathan and Nick.
Nathan: I’m actually relieved to hear though I still wish you had waited for me. I’ll call you later.
Nick: That’s a relief because I would have made you tell Mike and your dad.
And I knew Nick was serious. There’s no way I would have gotten away with keeping it between us.
Now that I took care of that I can get some work done. I received an email from a possible new client. This one is different for me. A damn new strip club. Don’t we have enough of those? Not to mention I was against the degrading of women. I know these women choose this line of work but it doesn’t make it any better.
Either way a job is a job. I was able to quickly put something together and get it sent over. They responded right away with approval of my ideas. Well this was easy. Then again its a strip club how picky can they be?
I got to work putting together the final site and made it go live when I was done.
Just when I finished Nathan called and I have to admit I like hearing his voice before I go to bed.
“Hey, baby.”
“Feeling better after seeing it was nothing?”
“Yes, definitely. I just overreacted.”
“I don’t think you did. With all that you have been through it’s understandable.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Of course. You don’t need to hide how you are feeling from me. I’ll remain by your side no matter what.”
“I think I’ve realized that. You just have no idea what that means to me.”
“I know, baby, I know. It’ll just take some time for you to get use to the idea that I’m not going anywhere.”
I let out a long yawn.
“You’re exhausted. It’s been a long day. I’m going to let you go and get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay, thank you for everything.”
“No need to thank me. It’s my pleasure.”
“Goodnight, beautiful.”
I hung up and felt a bit lighter. He was right it has been a long day. It has been an emotional and stressful one. I put my phone on the charger and shut the light off. I felt like I could sleep for days after this.
I woke up startled. Looking at the time it was only two in the morning. But the feeling of unease kept me from falling back to sleep. I couldn’t make out what it was that had me feeling so unsettled. I got the feeling like I was being watched but there was no way anyone could get in.
I had the best security system along with extra locks. My nerves must still be shot from that call. That’s the only thing that can explain it. Still something didn’t feel right. I grabbed my phone and called Nathan.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Are you okay.”
“Yeah, I mean I’m not hurt.”
“Then what is it? Talk to me.”
“You know what? It’s nothing really. I shouldn’t have bothered you. You have to be up early. Forget about it. Just go back to bed.”
“No, I’m not…”
I hung up and sat up in bed and pulled my knees to my chest. This is ridiculous I haven’t felt like this in years and there’s no reason to now.
My phone rang, it’s Nathan.
“Don’t. Hang. Up. I’m coming over. You shouldn’t be alone.”
“I don’t want to bother you. Especially over nothing.”
“You’re not bothering me. And it’s not over nothing. I told you to call anytime you need me. Now you need me and I’m heading over right now. I’ve got my clothes ready. I’ll see you in a few.”
“Okay.” I hung up.
I sat there in a daze till I heard a banging on my front door. I was frozen in fear.
“Kris, baby, it’s me open up.”
Oh shit. I jumped up and ran to the door to let him in. He pulled me into him an d wrapped his arms around me. “Oh baby you’re shaking. It’s okay I’m here now.”
“Thank you.”
“Always baby, always. Now lets get you back into bed. I’love be right there next to you.”
We both curled into bed under the blankets with his arms wrapped around me protecting me. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Anytime you need me don’t ever hesitate. Now get some sleep and we can talk about what happened tomorrow.”
“No, we don’t need to. Nothing happened. I just felt uneasy, like I wasn’t alone. But I know that’s not possible.”
“I think you’re still on edge. That’s all.”
“I think so too.”
That’s all I remember before I fell into a more restful sleep.
I woke the next day at noon. Nathan was no longer next to me but I knew he had to work and apparently he didn’t want to wake me. I got up and headed into the kitchen, I need coffee.
When I walked into the kitchen Nathan was sitting at the table with his laptop on the table and he was working. He looked up when I walked in. “Morning beautiful.”
“Morning, I thought you had to be in the office.”
“I own the company I can work from anywhere I want. I didn’t want to leave you alone after last night and Nick had appointments he couldn’t cancel. I told him I’d stay here until he can come by then I’d head into the office.”
“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say so I just sat down and drank my coffee.
“I do have to head out in a bit for a meeting I can’t move. I just didn’t want to wake you.”
“It’s okay. I’m good. I’m sure Nick will come by soon. If anything I can also call my dad or Mike.”
“He should be here in an hour. If I didn’t have to attend this meeting I’d stay all day.”
“I know. I’ll be okay. I appreciate it.”
“Okay, I’m going to head out. I don’t care what meeting I’m in if you need anything just call. I will answer and do my best to help with whatever you need.”
He leaned down to give me a kiss and then headed out the door. Less than an hour later Nick walked through the front door. “Hey, baby girl.”
“Hey, what’s that?” I looked at the box he was holding.
“This was siting in front of your door for you. So I brought it in for you. Must be from lover boy.”
“Let me see.” I opened it and saw a vase of two dozen roses but there was no note. I guess he figured I knew they’d be from him.
“Someone is getting laid tonight.”
“Shut up.” Nick just gave me that gorgeous wide smile he has when he’s truly happy.
I decide to text Nathan and thank him for the flowers.
Kristina: Thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful and thoughtful.
Nathan: What flowers? I’m sorry I’ve been stuck in this dull meeting all day.
Kristina: You didn’t send them?
Nathan: No baby, not this time. I’m sorry I wish they were from me.
I just stood there frozen. Nick was at my side in a split second.
“What is it?”
“Her didn’t send them.”
“Then who did?”
“I have no idea.”