It took me all of a half hour to get ready to go out. This really wasn’t my thing but it would get everyone off my back. I had no plans on dancing but at least I could be a good friend and be supportive of Nick’s idea of a good time. When we arrived at the club there was a long ass line to get in. “Wonderful, we’ll spend most of the time just waiting to get in. And you consider this fun?” He looked at me and just smirked at my sarcasm.
“Oh don’t you worry one bit. We won’t be waiting out here to get in. I got passes from work. We get to skip the line.”
“How did you pull that one off?” Nick owned his own gym. Not only did he run it he was also one of the trainers. He always said just because he was the boss doesn’t mean he should just sit in the office all day everyday barking orders. He believes in putting in the work.
“The manager is a client of mine and this is the new club that they just opened. So a bunch of us got some free passes.”
“And this is why you invited me out tonight. Very sneaky Nick.”
“Can you just relax and try to have a good time?”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll try.” Now I felt bad. He was so excited to have this night out with his best friend and I was being a total bitch about it.
We walked to the front of the line and Nick handed the passes to the bouncer and we were allowed right in. I heard some rumbling from the angry crowd outside. Who could blame them I guess. Clearly this is their scene and I’m sure they’ve been patiently waiting for a while to get in and here we were just passing them by.
To both of our surprise we were shown to a VIP section. “You didn’t say it was VIP passes.” Not that I was complaining because I definitely wasn’t. A private section made the idea of coming out here tonight more bearable.
“I don’t remember it saying anything about them being VIP, but I’m not going to complain.”
“Of course not. Why would you.” I laughed and gave him a little jab to his side.
“You shouldn’t either. You’re here with a very important person and you didn’t even know.”
“Well I guess I can’t complain about the privacy. I don’t have to worry about every asshole here bothering me.”
“What a way to look on the bright side.” Nick said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.
“I’m here. This is the best you’re going to get so deal with it.” Okay, I’m sounding like a bitch again.
“Fine, you sit here and sulk on your own. I’m going to find me a piece of ass.”
“You man whore.” I tried to lighten the mood after almost ruining his night.
“And proud of it. Need anything before I hit the dance floor?”
“Nah, I’m good. Have fun.”
“Oh I most certainly will. You really should think about joining me.”
“I’m good right here. I’ll watch you make a fool of yourself.”
“Whatever buzzkill.”
I have to admit it was quite amusing watching Nick on the dance floor. It didn’t take long for him to attract a few of the women around him. Watching him let loose for once instead of the constant worrying was definitely worth coming here. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out to check. There was an email from Val letting me know that Mr. Black would like to move forward with using my services. Well that was easier than I thought.
I was so deep in thought that I didn’t realize that Nick joined me on the couch in our section. “Please don’t tell me you’re working when you should be enjoying yourself.”
“Nah, just reading an email I received. I’ll reply back to it tomorrow, but this is going to be a pretty big client for me so I didn’t want to ignore it in case it was urgent.”
“Well, now you owe me a dance.”
“Oh hell no. I told you that wasn’t going to happen.”
“I told you take a break from work.”
“I didn’t work.” Well not really, technically.
“Close enough in my book.”
“Fine. Pain in my ass.” The truth was I wanted to make it up to him for how I acted at the beginning of the night. I did owe him one but not for the reason he stated.
Nick dragged me down to the dance floor just in time for “My House” by FloRida. Before I realize it the song has changed a couple of times and not that I’ll admit it to him I am having fun. “Okay, I’m done. I need a water.”
“Me too. Head over to our section and I’ll grab us a couple bottles of water.”
“Sounds good.”
I get to our couch and take a seat and the pain in my feet from these damn heals hit me. I feel someone looking down at me and figure it was finally Nick back with our water. “It’s about time…” I look up and it’s not Nick staring down. “I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.’
“No worries.” And there sat the sexiest male specimen I have come across. His piercing blue eyes stood out with his tanned complexion and black hair. The expensive suit he wore was tailored so that you can see how finely built he was. If he looked this good in a suit I could only imagine how hot he looked without. Shit, where had that thought come from? This man was definitely dangerous territory for me.
“Can I help you?”
“Sorry, yes. I’m with the club. I’m a… representative. I’m going around to see how the patrons like it. So what do you think of Temptation?”
“It’s…unique. I like the VIP section. It seems a bit more spacious than most clubs. The music isn’t bad either. It has a good atmosphere.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
Just then Nick showed up with the drinks. “Sorry the line at the bar was crazy.” He finally looked up to see me talking to wait…what did he say his name was? This isn’t like me. I don’t make it a habit to strike up a conversation with strangers. Especially men.
“No worries. We were just talking about the club.” I looked over to the gorgeous man in the thousand dollar suit, “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.”
“That’s quite alright. I never gave it. I never got yours.”
“I most definitely didn’t give mine.”
“Then I don’t feel so bad not being the only one who messed up on proper social etiquette. Well thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think of the club. Enjoy the rest of your night.”
He walked away and Nick didn’t waste any time in grilling me. “Okay, who the hell was that?”
“He said he was a representative of the club and he was getting an idea of what people thought of it.”
“Some how I doubt that.” Nick said as he followed the direction the mystery man went in.
“Why do you say that?” Even though I got the same impression he did.
“Oh, Kitty Kat, he’s totally into you. He just wanted an excuse to talk to you.”
“Seriously? You’re making shit up.” I said with very little conviction because I was getting the same feeling but didn’t want to vice that thought.
“Then why hasn’t he talked to anyone else?”
“Maybe he already did. Maybe he’ll find others to talk to.” Even I can hear the uncertainty in my own voice.
“Sure okay. Then why did he make his exit when I showed up. He wasn’t interested in my opinion.”
“You are delusional.”
“You’re in denial.”
I just rolled my eyes. “Besides I’m not interested so what does it matter?”
“Are you kidding me?” He looked at me with raised brows. Like he can’t believe I just said that.
“Nope, he can move on to his next conquest.” After all that’s exactly what I’m sure I was to him. Just another notch on his bedpost. He just screamed playboy.
“Let me ask you a serious question.”
“I have a feeling I’m not going to like where this is going.”
“When are you going to move on?”
I cut him off. “Don’t.”
“I’m just saying ever since…”
“I said don’t.”
“Kristina come on. It’s not like…”
I cut him off again. “I said stop. Don’t you even dare say his name.” I was done with this conversation and ready to go home. I went to get up to leave when he stopped me.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t leave yet. I just want to see you be happy.”
“Have I ever said I wasn’t happy?”
“No, but..”
“No, no buts. Unless I actually say hey man I’m not happy leave it be. I don’t need a guy to be happy.”
“Just tell me this has nothing to do with him. That the whole situation isn’t why you’re avoiding being in another relationship.”
“It’s not. Besides so what if it was? I’m tired of everyone trying to tell me what’s best for me. Right now I’m concentrating on work. I only just started this company and right now all my time and energy is being put into that. I don’t want or need any distractions right now. Maybe when I’ve finished building DesignWorks client list and reputation where I know I can relax a bit.”
“Okay, okay. I get it. I understand. I’m sorry. Don’t be mad.”
“I won’t be if you promise to let it go.”
“Pinky promise.”
We stayed a little longer until we were both exhausted and done with the club scene. “I’m ready to get home and soak in a hot bath and hit the sheets.”
“Okay, I’m going to head home as well. Thanks for coming along. I feel like we haven’t seen each other in months. I know that’s an exaggeration but it really has been to long.”
“I know. I’m sorry I’ve been a shitty friend. I promise we’ll do something together again real soon.”
“I’m going to hold you to it.”
We said goodbye and headed our separate ways. My Uber showed up and I hopped in. The whole way home my thoughts were on the mystery man. I had to push all thoughts aside. It wasn’t like I was going to ever see him again. I just had to bury myself in work and distract me from all thoughts of him.
I awoke from a restless sleep. No guy has ever consumed my thoughts like this. What was it about him that was different? I needed to shake these thoughts. It has to be Nick getting in my head. He put all these thoughts here.
I made myself a bowl of cereal and logged onto my computer. First thing I did was respond to Val and send her all the information they needed and the forms for them to fill out so I can begin work on that account. With that done. There was nothing left for me to work on right now.
With the free time that I finally have I grabbed the Angel Payne book I’ve been trying to read and sat on the couch. I finally get to start book two in her Honor Bound series. I love these Army men. Okay, I’m not completely made of stone. But I’m perfectly fine living vicariously through these characters. Who needs man trouble when you can enjoy a book boyfriend?
About five chapters in I start to get hungry and as if he could read my mind Nick walks in with lunch. “Hey Kitty Kat I figured you’d be so busy working you forgot to eat.”
“Ugh, you know I hate when you call me that. And ha ha very funny. I was actually enjoying some down time.”
“For once. That’s good. What were you doing?”
“Reading. I was just thinking about having lunch when you came in.”
“Let me guess. You’re reading your book porn.” I just rolled my eyes. He loved to be an ass about what I read.
“Don’t be an ass. I prefer smut if you’re going to go there.”
“Why when you can just?”
“Don’t say it. You promised.”
“Okay I give up. Anyway I brought your favorite.”
“Mmmm tacos. Did you remember the hot sauce?”
“Of course. Like I could forget. You’d probably have my balls.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” It feels good to sit around and joke with my best friend. It really has been too long.
“So, no work right now?”
“Nope. I finished my last project. I responded to that email from las night and I’m just waiting to hear back from them to start that one.”
“So what you’re saying is that you finally have some free time.”
“Oh no, where is this going now?”
“I want to hit Temptation again tonight.”
“You’re kidding, right? You saw that line to get in last night. Tonight will only be worse. Who goes two nights in a row anyway?”
“You’re just afraid of seeing your mystery man.”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“I’m not, I’m being honest.” And if I’m being honest he’s kind of right.
“Can’t we do something else?” I had to try to get out of it. Though when I see that look on his face and add that to how bad of a friend I’ve been I have trouble saying no.
“Come on. You have to admit you had fun. At least until your admirer showed up.”
“Fine, but I’m not dancing this time.” I was going to draw the line somewhere.
“Sure.” He said with that smirk he has when he has no intention of taking me seriously.
“I mean it Nick. My feet were killing me all night after last night.”
“We’ll see. I think I can find a way to persuade you to join me on the dance floor again.”
We’re just sitting around watching mindless TV when my computer pinged with a new email. “Oh no you don’t.”
“What?” He knew me too well. He knew that I couldn’t just let it go unchecked.
“No work tonight. You already said you’d go with me tonight.”
“This is a huge break for me. I can’t slack on this one.” Okay, so maybe it was an excuse to keep my mind occupied on something else.
“I’m not telling you to. All I’m sating is it can wait till tomorrow.”
“Or I can get a head start now so that I don’t fall behind. We have plenty of time.”
“I guess but, you are not getting out of tonight. I know once you get going I won’t hear from you for a few days.”
“Ouch, that’s not fair.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I know you are dedicated and I commend you for that. I just want you to let lose a bit before you’re stuck in front of the computer non stop for days.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to insinuate.”
“I know. It’s okay. I’ll let you get some work done and come back around nine to pick you up.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“See ya later.”
He left and I took a look at what I needed to do. I am completely taken by surprise when I see that Mr. Black wants a long term contract. This is a first for me and it’s exciting. As I keep reading I see why. Black Industries owns multiple businesses. I will be working on each business he owns. This is a bigger project than I initially expected.
I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed but there is no way I’m turning down this incredible opportunity. I may have to decline other work if it comes in, but the income form this will more than make up for it.
I had just finished putting together the profile I needed to work on Black Industries when I look and see its almost half past nine. Shit, I need to start getting ready.
I rush to take a quick shower and dry my hair. I run into my closet and find my black leather skirt and pair it with my blue tank top and black see through top. I grab my black leather knee high boots and finish getting ready just as Nick walks in the door.
“Damn, someone is dressed to impress.”
“Shut up. I’m not. I literally just threw this together.”
“You got lost in your work and had to rush.”
“You know me too well. Ready?”
“Yep, you sound more excited to go than you did earlier.”
“I’m in a good mood.”
“Oh, do tell.”
On our way to Temptation I told him all about this next job. He seems to share in my excitement. Even if he wasn’t excited he’d never say so. Aside from my father and brother he’s been the most supportive of me. Which only made me feel like such a horrible friend. I really needed to make more time for him. And I’m going to start with tonight by actually trying to have a good time with him at the club.