I remain silent on the way home. I’m sure Nick is wondering what is going on in my mind but he knows me too well to push to soon and ask. He’s waiting for me to tell him on my own. The only thing is I don’t’ know what to tell him. I don’t even know how I’m feeling at the moment. I need to be alone with my thoughts in order to sort them out. But the problem is I don’t know how to. I don’t even know where to start.
I hear him sigh and I know it’s because he’s starting to worry that I’m in a bad place. But I’m not. I’m just lost no I’m confused. “A penny for your thoughts baby girl.”
“Honesty, I don’t even know.”
“Come on Kris. I saw the two of you. There’s something there.”
“No, there isn’t. Why would you say that?”
“Look, I’m no judging believe me. I saw it and there’s nothing wrong with it. Hell I want this for you. You know that. When I walked up to the two of you I could feel the heat the chemistry and I’m happy for you. You deserve it.”
“I feel a but in there.”
“But… it doesn’t seem like you’re I don’t know… happy. Why?”
“I don’t know. He seems like a great guy. He says all the right things. He’s definitely attractive.”
“Oh come on and say it we both know you want to.”
“Okay he’s hot as fuck. Happy?”
“That you finally admitted how you feel? Yes. It’s about time.”
“Anyway why are you not happy?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“What do you mean?”
“Come on. When has anything ever been so easy? You know what I’ve been through. You know why it’s not easy to trust anyone.”
“I do. I also know you need to learn to sooner or later. I also have this strong feeling that Nathan Black is a good person and could be good for you.”
I went back to silence. I don’t know what to say to my best friend. I know he’s right but can someone as broken as me find that happiness?
“Stop that right now.”
“Stop what?”
“Those negative thoughts. You need to drop that habit.”
Fuck, can everyone read me so easily? I really need to get out of my head. “I’m trying but…”
“No buts. You’re my best friend so I mean this in the nicest way possible. If you don’t cut this negative shit out I’ll kick your ass.”
“Wow say how you really fell.”
“I mean it Kris. You deserve so much more than you give yourself credit for. You have put up with so much throughout your life it’s time you accept that you deserve happiness.”
‘Well, for your information Nathan proposed we do the whole casual thing util I’m ready to move forward with a relationship.”
“That sounds reasonable.”
“Yeah and you’ll be happy to hear that I accepted.”
“Okay, I’m not quite sure I’m completely following here. If you accepted his proposal then why do you seem so down?”
“I’m not down or even sad. I’m I don’t know I think confused is the word I’m looking for.”
“I’ve put so much effort into keeping him at arms length that I didn’t see that he pushed through so many of my walls and I don’t even know how he did it. And don’t even get me started with that kiss.”
I saw him smirking out the corner of my eye. “What?”
“Nothing.” But he couldn’t hide the smile that forms.
“It’s not nothing. Out with it. I know you’re thinking something.”
“You really want me to tell you?”
“Now it’s debatable but go on.”
“You’re falling for him. It’s about time you let someone else in.”
“Oh I most certainly am not.”
“Oh, baby girl, yes you are. It’s the only explanation for you letting him in and I saw that kiss. Nobody kisses like that unless they like the person.”
“You know what?” He looks at me waiting. “I’m done with this conversation.”
Once I’m home all I want to do is take a long hot bath and curl up in bed with a book. Part of me wants to forget all about tonight but then a part of me wants to relive it. What the hell is happening?
Once in bed I grab my book and dive in. I’m a chapter in when my phone pings with a text. I don’t recognize the number but I have a feeling who it is.
Unknown: I really enjoyed your company tonight and wold very much like to see you again soon.
Kristina: Nathan?
Nathan: Yours truly
Kristina: How’d you get my number?
Nathan: I have ways I told you I always get what I want.
Kristina: You don’t this a bit intrusive?
Nathan: Would you have given it to me if I had asked?
Kristina: We’ll never know now. Will we?
Nathan: Fair enough. Give me a chance to make up for it.
It couldn’t hurt, right? After all I did agree to his proposal so it’s only fair that I give him a chance.
Kristina: Fine. What do you have in mind?
Nathan: Tomorrow night 7 dinner with me at Mariano’s.
Kristina: OK see you there.
Nathan: My driver will pick you up at 6:30 be ready.
Kristina: I can get there myself. I don’t need your driver.
Nathan: Nonnegotiable. I’ll see you tomorrow night.
Okay is it just me or was that weird? I had no idea he was so… controlling. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I’m not sure I’m ready or will ever be ready to be with someone who is that controlling.
I quickly text Nick to call me when he gets home. About fifteen minutes later my phone is ringing and it’s him. As annoyed with him as I am I need to talk this out with him. I also have a feeling he’s the one who gave my number to Nathan.
“I just dropped you off what can be so urgent?”
“Did you give Nathan my number?”
By the silence I know I’m right. “Sorry but he wanted to ask you out and I know you didn’t give it to him since I know you’re afraid to give him a chance. But I take it you’ve heard from him.”
“He texted me asking me out.”
“That’s great I hope you said yes.”
“I did.”
“Why do I sense a but in there?”
I relayed the conversation we had to Nick and I hope he can give me some advice or calm my nerves at least.
“I get why you’re nervous Kris but I think you should give him a chance. I’m sure he has a good explanation. Who knows maybe its as simple as the fact that chivalry isn’t dead.”
“I guess you’re right. I think I just needed to hear that voice of reason.”
I hung up and went back to my book. However I couldn’t concentrate on what I was reading. Eventually I give up and turn on the television. I find something mindless to watch as I can’t even get into anything. My head is spinning too much with thoughts of tonight and tomorrow night. I have to admit to myself that Nathan has consumed all of my thoughts.
I wake the next morning after a restless sleep. I have some breakfast and get lost in my work. Before I realize it lunch time has crawled up on me. Considering the plans for tonight I opt to skip lunch.
A knock at my door grabs my attention. I’m not expecting anyone or anything so what can that be? I cautiously walk over to the door and look out the peephole. Nothing. Huh. Weird. I open the door and when I look down I see a package with my name on it..
I bring it in open it. There’s a not on top of the tissue paper.
I saw this and thought it would look stunning on you.
It is my wish that you wear it tonight on our date. I look forward to seeing it on you and with any luck having the privilege of taking it off of you at the end of the night.
Yours Truly,
Nathan Black
What in the actual fuck? I open up the tissue paper and inside is the most gorgeous blue dress. I take it out and get a good look at it. It is a knee length dress where the back sets all the way down to where it’s backless. The straps have diamond studs on them as they lead to the front that comes down low enough to show plenty of cleavage. He’s right it is stunning.
This must have cost him a fortune. Not that he can’t afford it. The point is I feel weird accepting it but I would feel terrible not wearing it and insulting him.
I put it away until it’s time to get ready. I dive back into my work with the hopes it’ll distract me but everything else is distracting me too much from getting much done. At five thirty I give up and take a shower.
I decided to wear the dress he bought me. After all he did put enough thought into it. I grab the nicest jewelry I own to pair with the dress and the nicest black heels I own. I keep my makeup light and natural. I’ve never been one to wear a lot anyway.
I grab my purse and the few essentials I may need before heading out. I quickly check that the alarm is set and all the locks are locked before heading down to meet Nathan’s driver. I normally like to take the stairs as its good exercise and I’m not stuck in a box with a bunch of strangers and that awkward silence but with these shoes I’m taking the easy way down.
I get downstairs and to the front of the building just as a limo is pulling up in front of the building. That can’t be him. I was not expecting a limo. A town car maybe but this is a bit much. The limo comes to a stop and the driver gets out. “Miss. Thomas?”
He walks around and opens the back passenger side door. He gives me his hand and I grab it as he helps me in. I slide in and already know I’m not alone. I can sense him there watching me. So this is why he insisted on his driver picking me up. Nick was right. In the eyes of Nathan Black, chivalry is not dead.
I hear his intake of breathe before he gets a word out. “I was right. That dress is beyond stunning on you.”
“Thank you. For the dress and the compliment. You didn’t have to but I appreciate it and I love it.”
“You are most welcome Kristina. And the pleasure is most certainly all mine.” He leans over and whispers in my ear. “And I’m hoping that I get the pleasure of taking it off of you later tonight.”
I sit there speechless. I have no idea what to say to that.
“Don’t worry I won’t force anything. I’m just a guy who hopes to get lucky to get to sleep with a goddess such as yourself. In the meantime lets just enjoy a nice meal together.”