When we got to the club I was not at all surprised at how long the line was to get in. “We’ll be lucky if we get in at all tonight.”
“I can just see you hoping we don’t”
“It’s not that. You know I’m just not a big fan of large crowds.”
“Oh, believe me I know. But don’t you think it’s time to get over that?”
“Nope, not at all. I like my seclusion with my small circle of people.” In my experience people just tend to let you down.
“You mean Mike, John and me. babygirl, that’s not a small circle of people. That’s just family.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s enough for me.” I have found that its better to keep your circle small with a group of people you know you can trust.
“I love you…but if you think it’s just going to be the two of us when were thirty I may have to strangle someone.”
“Don’t worry I don’t think that. You’ll find the love of your life and get married and start a family and I’ll be the fun Aunt Kristina.” I was more than okay with that. I resigned myself a long time ago to that fact.
“What about you?”
I knew that was coming. I opened this can I was going to have to deal with the conversation. “What do you mean what about me?”
“No love of your life?”
Just then the bouncer walks up to us and lets us in. I can hear the crowd outside groan as they are left waiting once again. I have to admit I am curious as to why we were allowed to bypass the wait. We are shown to the same VIP section we were in last night. “I wonder how we got so lucky tonight.”
“You think this has something to do with your admirer?”
“Don’t start with that.” I rolled my eyes even though that’s just what I was thinking. I just didn’t want to admit it.
He thought it was funny enough he had trouble holding back his laughter. “Sorry, wanna hit the dance floor with me?”
“Sure, I can handle a couple of songs.” If the music was just right I could handle some dancing. At least until the crowd grew too big.
The music tonight was on point. It really kept me going. By time the fourth song ended though I was feeling it. “I need a break and some water.”
“I’m with you on that one. Head to our section and I’ll grab some drinks.”
I sat down and pulled out my phone to check my emails and see if I had any missed calls or messages from Mike or my dad. I was so lost in what I was doing that I didn’t realize I had company and this time I knew it wasn’t Nick.
I could sense who it was before he even spoke, but as soon as I heard his voice I knew for sure it was him. “Didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“You didn’t.” This just confirmed our suspicions on how we got right in without the wait. Somehow he knew I was here.
“I couldn’t help but notice you came back tonight. Temptation must have left an impression on you.”
Before I had a chance to reply a waitress brought over two glasses of wine. He grabbed them from her tray. “Thank you Cassie, that will be all.”
“You’re welcome.” She smiled at him and I could see that she had a crush on him but I was also sure it wasn’t mutual.
He handed me a glass and I didn’t want to be rude and turn it down. So I just sat there like an idiot holding it waiting to see what he wants.
“I see you came with company again. He your boyfriend?”
“What’s it to you?” This wasn’t the first time someone had thought Nick and I were a couple. He was more like a second brother to me.
“I want to know what stands in my way of having you to myself.” He was arrogant as he was sexy. I had to let him know there was no way in hell that was going to happen.
“Aren’t you a bit arrogant?” The lack of filter between my brain and mouth made me say exactly what I was thinking.
“I just know what I want.”
“And that’s me.”
“Sorry…not interested. So to answer your question. I’m in your way have having me to yourself.”
“Hmmm…I like a challenge.” This wasn’t going to be easy. He’s the type that doesn’t take no for an answer.
“Are you the reason why we didn’t have to wait in that line to get in?”
“And if I am?”
“I say thank you, but you don’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to. It was well worth it to get to sit here with you.” He threw me that I always get what I want grin. He was most definitely a player. I had to tread carefully where he was concerned.
Just then Nick game back with our drinks and the look on his face tells me he’s pissed. That’s when I realize I’m still holding the glass of wine.
“Well, I’ll leave you two to have fun. It was nice talking to you.” He handed me his card. “Call me when you change your mind.”
“I’m afraid I won’t.”
He didn’t even acknowledge my reply and left. Without looking at the card I threw it in my purse.
“Kristina Ashley Thomas.” Nick glared at me and I wasn’t thinking so I didn’t realize I was drinking the wine. All I know is I needed something to drink because my mouth was dry.
“Shit, sorry.” I put the glass down and grabbed a bottle of water.
“What did he want?” The look on his face told me he wasn’t sure how to broach this topic.
“Me apparently.”
“I knew it. You do have an admirer.”
“It would seem so. And you were right he’s the reason we got in right away.”
“I thought so. Did you even get his name this time?”
“No, I didn’t ask.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not interested. He’s just so…arrogant.” And I could tell he’d be dangerous territory for me.
“From the looks of him he has a right to be.”
“Still not the biggest turn on. So did you find your next lay?”
“Nah, not tonight. There were much better choices last night.” He said with a grin.
“You’re a pig.”
“Yeah, but you love me anyway.”
“Yeah I do. Are we going back onto the dance floor or are we done?”
“A few more songs?” He gave me that look pleading with me not to make him hit the dance floor on his own or make him leave already.
“Sure, why not? And since I’m not sure I’ll be coming back let’s enjoy tonight while we can.” He just gave me that look but wisely didn’t say anything.
I woke up and looked at the clock. “Shit”, it’s already one in the afternoon. I was definitely out at the club too late last night. But I can honesty say I had fun. And there’s no way I’ll be admitting that to Nick. He’ll just insist on dragging me there every chance he gets.
I made some coffee and decided to get right to work. I got started on the website for Black Industries first. The website is bit old school. I looked all around to get an idea of what they want posted then did some more research on the company. The ideas were flowing. I came up with a rough idea and sent it over for approval. I decided to wait on their response before moving on. The last thing I wanted to do was be in the middle of another site just to have to go back and make changes on the last one.
It was getting close to five and I was getting hungry. My dad and Mike were working so that just left Nick. “Hey, baby girl what’s up?”
“Hey, I was about to order some food. Wanna join me?”
“Sure, but why don’t we go out and get something?” After the last two nights I was done with going out. I just wanted to sit at home and veg out.
“Nope, not happening. You had me out late two nights in a row and I had to haul ass to get some work done today. I’m too tired to go anywhere. Besides I’m comfy.”
“Okay, I guess I do owe you. How about I pick something up on my way over.”
“That works. So its a Netflix kind of day?”
“Sure, but what am I picking up to eat?”
“How about pizza?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Oh come on you did say you owe me.”
“You’re killing me. I’m going to have to do double the work in the gym tomorrow.”
“A cheat meal won’t hurt you.”
“True but I still have to be careful. Do you think people want to see a gym owner and trainer who’s out of shape?”
“No, but one meal won’t hurt.”
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know. Love you too.”
“See you soon.”
We hung up and I browsed through Netflix for something to watch. About forty five minutes later I hear Nick walking in the door. “Okay, are those locks really necessary?”
“Sorry, I should have undone them before you got here.”
“It’s okay, but seriously, are they really needed?”
“Can never be to cautious.” He thought I was neurotic and I maintained that I was just being safe. “I am a single woman living by herself.”
“I still say three locks and the alarm system may be over kill.”
“It helps me to feel more at ease. It’s not like I live at home anymore.”
“I thought you said you were okay with living on your own.”
“I am but I’d rather be safe.”
“Do Mike and John know your obsession with all these safety precautions?”
“Of course not. It would just make them worry about me even more than they do. And its not my obsession I’m being smart.”
“He’s still in jail, right?” Oh here we go again. It always circles back to my past. I can’t practice precautions without everyone thinking its related.
“Yeah…why…?” I tried to play dumb though I knew what he was getting at. “Nick he has nothing to do with this.”
“I think deep down it does. You just don’t want to admit it. I just don’t know if you’re refusing to admit it to me or yourself.”
“And you’re overreacting. Let’s just watch some mindless TV and eat.”
“Okay, Miss. Denial.”
“I’m seriously starting to regret inviting you over.” Not really I just wanted him to drop the subject.
“Okay, okay I’m sorry I’ll stop.”
“Thank you.”
“So, what are we going to watch?”
“I’m thinking we can binge watch Charmed.”
“Hey, I said I was sorry.”
“Yeah, I know. You still must be punished.”
We sat on the floor at the coffee table in my living room and ate while we watched TV. When we were done with the pizza we moved onto the couch. By midnight exhaustion was hitting me. These last couple of days finally got to me. I looked over and Nick was already sound asleep.
I took one of the extra blankets and threw it over him. I didn’t have the heart to wake him to go home. It’s bad enough I know he’ll be up by five. I don’t know how he does it. Personally I think he’s insane but it’s clear his hard work and dedication has paid off.
I woke up the next morning by half past eight, I’m never up this early but I actually got plenty of sleep. I made a cop of coffee then hop in the shower before I get to work. I figured Nick headed out to work since the blanket was folded up and put to the side of the couch. I’ll never understand morning people.
When I got our of the shower and got dressed I walked into the living room and Nick was walking in with coffee and breakfast. “I thought you’d be at work.”
“Baby girl I went into work at five thirty. Got in a workout went over my paperwork and worked with a client. After I finished i knew you would skip breakfast and I couldn’t let that happen. So here I am.”
“Damn you make me feel like a slacker. I haven’t even started to get to work yet.”
“Well come sit down and eat first.”
“You’re such a pain in the ass. You know I’m perfectly fine with waiting till lunch.”
“Kristina you and I both know that you would get so caught up in your work that you wouldn’t eve think of food till dinner. I’m here to make sure you get in more than one meal for the day.”
I went to say something but he game me that look that says yeah go ahead and try to argue. You won’t win. “Fine, thank you.”
“Anytime. What are best friends for?”
“You got me. You had me thinking they were just there to drag you to clubs when you don’t want to go anywhere.”
“Funny. Next time karaoke.”
“Oh, hell no.”
I noticed my purse siting on the floor and went to pick it up to put away. When I did a few things fell out. I picked them up and noticed the card the mystery man gave. Nick chooses this moment to walk up and sees it. “What’s that?”
“The arrogant jerks business card. He gave it to me before he walked away.”
I was about to throw it out when Nick caught my attention. “Don’t you want to know who he is?”
“Why? It’s not like I’m interested or anything.”
“You’re not curious who keeps trying to get your attention?”
I really wasn’t interested in the guy but I have to admit Nick was making me curious who it is. So I turn it over and look. “Oh, shit.”
This had to be a coincidence. There was no way the two were connected. Could they be? Or was I just letting my mind get the best of me. Nick stood there patiently waiting for me to tell him who my mystery man is. What would he think?