Reading, library, search.
Searching for stories, books and authors
In Neobook library you can find many unique and interesting works of various genres and categories.
You can find content and authors via global search and in sections Authors, Books, Poems, Blogs in the top menu on web or Search section on iOS/Android.
On the Home page you can find books, stories and poems recommended by Neobook readers and editors; promoted content; content based on trends and your interests.
To search a book or story on web:
How to read books on web and in app?
There is a special reading mode with an easy chapter navigation and minimalistic interface not to distract you from reading on Neobook. Optionally, you can choose a dark or light interface theme depending on the lighting or time of day.
To start reading a book on web:
- Click on the cover or title of the book if it is a thumbnail;
- To see table of contents go to a specific chapter, click the Chapters tab on the book page;
- To start reading a book from the beginning click Start reading under the book title;
- To move on to the next chapter use buttons Back and Next chapter at the bottom of the current chapter page;
- To open the table of contents in reading mode, click on the icon at the top left of the page next to the cover thumbnail;
- To exit reading mode, click on the Cross icon at the top right of the page.
How to comment on a chapter?
To comment on a specific chapter of a book: in reading mode go to the section Comments to chapter at the bottom of the page and enter your comment in the input field.To start reading a book on iOS or Android:
- Tap on the cover or title of the book if it is a thumbnail;
- To see table of contents go to a specific chapter, tap the Chapters tab on the book page;
- To start reading a book from the beginning click Start reading under the book title;
- To move on to the next chapter use buttons Back and Next chapter at the bottom of the current chapter page;
- To open the table of contents in reading mode, tap on the icon at the top right corner;
- To exit reading mode, tap on the Back icon at the top left corner of the page.
Managing your Library
If you likes a book, story, post or poem you can add it to bookmarks to come back to it later and not to lose it among other content.
There is a personal library in your profile where you can find the books you read or have read, purchased books, and also the content added to bookmarks. It is private to your account and cannot be seen by anyone else.
To open your library on the web:
- In the top menu of the platform select the Library section;
- Also you can navigate to your library by this link.
To open your library on iOS or Android:
- In the bottom Tab Bar tap the Library icon to the left of the profile icon;
To add a content to your library (to bookmarks):
- Navigate to the content you are interested in;
- Click on the icon Bookmark under the title or text of the post.
To remove a content from your library:
- Go to the content you want to remove from bookmarks;
- Click on the icon Bookmark again to remove publication from your bookmarks.
Purchasing books
Some authors publish paid content. If you are interested in such a content or you just want to thank the author for his work, then you can buy the book. Before purchasing have a look at terms below.
Books are purchased in NEO coins. Authors independently determine the cost of their books and indicate price in NEO.
Book purchase terms:
- After a purchase completed you will always have access to the book you purchased. Authors won't be able to turn on Draft status or delete tihs book completely;
- A book with status Ongoing may be edited by the author even after a purchase though the author won't be able to delete it completely or delete more than 50% of the publiched text;
- The funds paid to author as a reward for a purchase can't be refunded. The only exeption can be made if Neobook moderators detect an authors violation of the Content Guidelines;
- Neobook platform bears no responsibility for contents of paid works (unless it violates Content Guidelines ). Before buying, the reader can read an introductory fragment of the book and, based on this, make a purchase decision;
- All books you bought you can find in your Library in the section Purchased books;
- All books, including purchased ones, can be read online on the web, online or offline in iOS and Android apps, but they are not available for download in various formats and further distribution without the consent of the author of the book.
To buy a book:
- Before you buy the book, you can read the introductory fragment and open chapters provided by the author;
- Click the price button or the button Get at the end of the introductory fragment or by clicking on the closed chapter;
- If you don't have enough NEO coins on your balance to make a purchase, then you can buy NEO coins pack by following this instruction.